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Friday, October 15, 2010

Picture Day

Today I took a ton of pictures of the colored noodles I had made and a few of the Fruit Loop activities.  

Colored Noodles

Noodle Coloring

To color noodles or rice for art and other projects, use 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol for every cup of noodles. Add 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol to a 16 oz cup. Add a few drops of food coloring to the alcohol (about 10 will do, depending on how bright you want the noodles or rice). Place one cup of uncooked noodles or rice into the mixture and make sure it is fully coated. Spoon the noodles or rice onto a paper towel on a counter or table to dry. After dry, the children can use for projects. Repeat with other colors.

Noodle Necklace
 Noodle Necklaces
First color the noodles that you wish to use as directed above. You can use any sort of noodle that can be threaded such as macaroni or penne. Allow the noodles to dry. Next have the children thread the noodles onto a piece of yarn long enough that when tied will easily slip over their head. To make the threading easier, tie one noodle at one end of the yarn, so as the child threads the noodles do not slip off the end. Also you can add a piece of masking tape to the other end to make the actual threading easier. Encourage older children to create a pattern on their necklace. I found that if you use ribbon thread (with a wire in the middle), it makes the threading much easier.

Sorted Colored Noodles

 Noodle Sort
Let your child sort noodles by type and color. (see above for coloring) I used a very large muffin tin for this activity, but you can use a smaller one.  

 Math Center
Place the numbers one thorugh six on six small post it papers. Place these papers in the bottom of each muffin tin hole. Have the children place one object in the one space and two in the two and so on. Ideas for objects: noodles, nuts, nickels.
Numbered Muffin Tins with Noodles
Numbered Muffin Tin

Ninety Noodle Jar
Ninety-Nine Noodle Jar 
 Ninety Jars
How much is ninety? Count out ninety noodles and place them in a clear jar. Do the same with nuts (food), nuts (nuts and bolts), nickels and nails. Label the jars ex."90 nuts" Display the jars in the science or math area for the children to explore. 

Alternative:  Place 99 items in the jar.

Estimation Noodle Jar
Noodle Estimation
You will need 4 clear jar that are the same size. Fill one jar about 1/4 of the way with noodles. Count the noodles as you fill the jar and end on a round number, like 10 or 50. Write the number of noodles on a post it, place the post it on the jar. Fill the second jar about 1/2 way with noodles, again counting and recording and posting on the jar. The third jar should be filled about 3/4 of the way with noodles and again record the number and post it on the jar. The last jar you can fill however you like, place a post it on the jar with a question mark. Allow the children to observe the four jars together and guess how many noodles are in the fourth jar. Record the children's guesses. After everyone has guessed, count the noodles together. Show the children how the number of noodles in the first three jars is related to the fourth jar.

Nine Noodle "N"

Have the children use nine colored penne noodles to create the capital letter "N".

Noodle Collage
 Noodle Collage
Same as above, but no specified design is required. I have seen many works which were very 3-d, and creative. (Be prepared to clean up a lot of glue.) 
Fruit Loop Counting

Math Center Place the numbers one thorugh six on six small post it papers. Place these papers in the bottom of each muffin tin hole. Have the children place one Fruit Loop in the one space and two in the two and so on. 

Fruit Loop Necklace

Fruit Loop Necklaces
Have the children thread Fruit Loops onto a piece of yarn long enough that when tied will easily slip over their head. To make the threading easier, tie one noodle at one end of the yarn, so as the child threads the noodles do not slip off the end. Also you can add a piece of masking tape to the other end to make the actual threading easier. Encourage older children to create a pattern on their necklace. I found that if you use ribbon thread (with a wire in the middle), it makes the threading much easier.

Cereal Rainbows
Fruit Loop Rainbow

You will need a box of Fruit Loops (or similar cereal), paper, pencil and glue. For younger children, you should draw a rainbow shape on to the paper then have the children glue the fruit loops inside the shape. Older children can make their own rainbow shape, or trace it. You may also do this project as open ended art by allowing the children to make whatever they wish with the fruit loops.

Fruit Loop Sort

Fruit Loop Sort
Have the children sort the Fruit Loops by color in a muffin tin.  To make it easier you can cut construction paper circles from the same color as the cereal to place in the bottom of each hole.  

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